Photovoltaic (PV) power generation

Photovoltaic (PV) power generation has become a promising, eco-friendly, and readily available power source worldwide. So, research interest in a PV system is rapidly increasing to extract the maximum energy from irradiation. A typical PV system has three main sub-systems: a PV module array, a power conditioning system, and a load. 
The ECCL is a power electronic-based laboratory, so it primarily aims at all the above areas by considering PV array configuration, maximum power point tracking (MPPT), global maximum power point (GMPP), total power processing, and differential power processing systems. 

However, these experiments cannot be accomplished under standard irradiation and temperature conditions. A solar array simulator (SAS) scheme is demanded to address this issue, making it easy to incorporate varying temperature profiles and insolation levels while the same tests as many times as desired. PV systems exhibit a highly non-linear characteristic curve, making simulation challenging for researchers. So the system analysis of solar array simulators has become the secondary research interest of ECCL.